Welcome from the Director of Black Programs, Mr. Cecil Rose. As a contributor to the rich history of New Mexico State University for over 50 years. Black Programs unites students of African American, Black, Caribbean, and African descent in developing scholarship, leadership, and advocacy as students, graduates, and alumni. We share the awareness and history of Black culture and excellence to the campus at large, the Las Cruces community, and through various engagements.

Our students from African American, Black, Caribbean, and African descent have the opportunity to engage in programs, events, and initiatives that allow them to have intentional, cultural affinity but also develop a successful network among each other and amongst our Black faculty and staff. In the upcoming years, Black Programs will support our reimagined living learning residential community (Sankofa); Academic scholarship with involvement with various, Black academic organizations; Mentoring from a peer and faculty and staff model inclusive of students' major and interest; and events and programs that enhance engagement (academically, socially, and civically) that creates a sense of support and belonging during our students time here.

We welcome all to our amazing space of gathering and learning where all are welcomed and all are supported!

Cecil Rose — Director, Black Programs

The image shows two individuals (Cecil Rose and Natalie Thomas) seated at a registration table covered with a maroon tablecloth. They are both wearing matching maroon t-shirts printed with "New Mexico State MEN OF COLOR Men of Color Summit." The individual on the left is holding a booklet with "MEN OF COLOR SUMMIT" printed on the cover. The table is set up for a registration or check-in process, as indicated by the various signs taped to the front of the table. These signs read, "WALK-IN REGISTRATION," "Pre-Registration," and "Check In." The table itself is organized with various documents, pens, name tags, a water bottle, and a stack of booklets. Behind them, there is a large window with sunlight filtering through, revealing a staircase and wall decor inside the building.


Cheerful woman in a yellow T-shirt with "Celebrate Black History, New Mexico Office of African American Affairs" printed on it, standing in an outdoor park.
The image depicts three people standing closely together and smiling at an outdoor event. The person in the middle is wearing a red floral dress, black sunglasses, and red earrings, and has a short haircut. The person on the left is wearing a white t-shirt and beige shorts, holding a green cup and clutching colorful items under their arm. They have curly hair and are smiling brightly with red lipstick. The person on the right is also wearing a white t-shirt with a tied front and is holding a colorful icy treat in a green cup. They have long braids and are smiling warmly. In the background, there is a stone wall, trees, and other people mingling under a white canopy structure.
The image shows a person standing outdoors and speaking into a microphone. The person has braided hair and is wearing large glasses. They are dressed in a light-colored, short-sleeved, patterned shirt and a gold-colored watch. In one hand, they hold a small notebook or pad. In the background, there is a stone wall and some trees with blurred foliage, indicating a shallow depth of field for the photo.

Message from Mónica F. Torres, Interim President: Today, I have been reflecting on the historical significance of Juneteenth. In 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln. It stated that “all persons held as slaves” … “are, and henceforward shall be free.” It wasn’t until more than two years later that the news of emancipation finally made it to African Americans in Galveston, Texas. This day, now known as Juneteenth is an opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate, educate and advocate for social justice.

The truth is, the delay in word getting to Galveston about emancipation is something we see too often – genuine progress is made, but not everyone is able to benefit from that progress, at least not right away. I think about how history has shown us time and again, sometimes we lose the progress we’ve made as a society, only to have to fight for it once again.

NMSU’s own history shows the continued fighting and resilience in which African American students engaged. This was brought to light this afternoon in “Launching of a Legacy: Black Programs and Community,” an exhibit curated by NMSU alumna Lauretta King at NMSU’s Branson Library. The exhibit chronicles the 50-year history of NMSU’s Black Programs. I’m so grateful for this curated collection, as it showcases a vast array of memorabilia, files and other records from student groups within Black Programs. Importantly, it chronicles the history of Black Programs and the experience of Black students at our university.

As a Minority-serving Institution, NMSU continues to emphasize the importance of equity, inclusion and diversity. Our mission aligns with the focus of Juneteenth: continued advocacy for antiracism, justice, social mobility and service to the broader community.

As the day comes to a close, I am proud that our NMSU community is dedicated to supporting and celebrating Juneteenth. It’s a holiday that asks our communities to understand and recognize the important and complicated moment in history that ended the policy of the enslavement of African Americans. We also know that even while the policy of enslavement in the U.S. ended more than 150 years ago, we unfortunately still see incidents of racism, hate and violence. This is why remembering our history while also connecting and engaging with our communities to find support and to support one another is so very important.   

Let us honor Juneteenth. Let us celebrate all the progress we have made as a society. But let us not forget the struggles of our past and the struggles that many still experience to this day.

The image shows an energetic speaker holding a microphone in their right hand, gesturing with their left hand. They are speaking outdoors with enthusiasm. The person’s hair is styled in long braids. They are wearing a sleeveless brown top and several bracelets on their left wrist. Drape over their left arm is a white cloth featuring a vibrant print of a face. Behind the speaker, the background consists of tall trees and a stone structure.
The image portrays a casual outdoor gathering or community event in a park. In the foreground, three individuals are engaged in conversation. On the left, a woman in sunglasses and a blue shirt holds a plate of food. To her right, a man wearing sunglasses and a navy blue polo shirt stands holding a white cloth. Both are facing a man wearing a red bucket hat and a light-colored t-shirt with a small, colorful emblem on the back. The man in the hat has his hand raised, gesturing as he speaks.  In the background, the park features green grass, several large desert plants, and trees. A few people are dispersed across the area, talking and walking around. There are folding tables, chairs, and canopies set up. A banner or informational booth is visible in the background near the top left. The atmosphere appears relaxed and sociable.
The image depicts a casual, outdoor setting with a small group of people engaged in conversation and activities. In the foreground, three individuals are interacting near a table with items placed on it, such as water bottles and a stack of papers. The person in the center, wearing glasses, a black t-shirt with text and imagery, and black shorts, has their hand on their chin and appears to be listening attentively. Another person on the left, dressed in a light blue button-up shirt and white shorts, is looking towards the person in the center, smiling. In the background, another individual is seen near a folding table with some items. Additionally, there are several color-blocked coolers and a stone wall with blue and black trash bins nearby. The scene is set on a grassy area with step-like stone seating and trees in the background.


Poster for National New Mexico Day with hot air balloons over mountains and descriptive text about New Mexico's diversity and culture. Various program logos are displayed at the bottom.  Text Transcription:  National New Mexico Day  Today we celebrate New Mexico, being New Mexican, and everything The Land of Enchantment! With cultural influences from indigenous peoples, Mexico, Spain, and much more, our state is a diverse blend of cultures, traditions, languages, cuisines, and identities. From trailblazing Buffalo Soldiers, including the first female Buffalo Soldier, to Dr. Roy Nakayama’s innovative chile variations, the Black and Asian communities have a long history of invaluable contributions to our state. New Mexico is often named as a safe haven and a choice destination for LGBT+ individuals to live. From Dr. Fabian Garcia and our beloved New Mexico chiles and pecans to Tinkertown and the Balloon Fiesta, we really are proud of our amazing and diverse state.  Program Logos from Left to Right:  "American Indian Program" "Chicanx Programs" "LGBT+ Programs" "Black Programs" "Asian Pacific Islander Programs"




Stay connected with us by following our Instagram account dedicated to Black Programs. Keep up with our latest updates, events, and initiatives as we strive to foster an inclusive and supportive community.

The image shows a group of people posing for a picture, likely in celebration or recognition event. They are all wearing black, green, and red stoles that say "Class of 2024". Everyone in the group is smiling. In the background, there is a vibrant mural depicting several faces in colorful, abstract styles, including a portrait of a woman and a man wearing a graduation cap. The group consists of around twenty individuals, both sitting and standing, in an indoor setting. Some people are holding certificates. Above the group, there is a black banner featuring the words "BLACKNMSU" at the top and an Instagram-style interface showing the account "blacknmsu," which is located at the Fulton Athletic Center.
The image is a screenshot of an Instagram profile page with the username "blacknmsu." The profile picture is a logo featuring a black, red, and green raised fist, which is divided into three vertical segments, each colored differently. To the right of the fist, there is text reading "Black Programs." The background of the logo is white.  Directly below the username, three main statistics are listed horizontally:  125 posts 693 followers 157 following The profile’s bio section includes a short description and a link. The description reads: "We showcase & support scholars (past, present, and future) of African/African American/Black/Caribbean descent at NMSU & the Culture at large." Below the bio, there is a clickable link "linktr.ee/nmsubsa and 1 more."
The image shows a group of people standing closely together, posing for a group photo. There are eighteen individuals in the picture, representing a diverse group in terms of attire and appearance. Most are smiling or have neutral expressions. The background features a room with colorful decorations, including balloons and banners. The individuals are dressed variably: some in casual wear such as t-shirts and jeans, others in more formal or unique attire like patterned shirts, colorful scarves, or bright accessories.
The image depicts four individuals standing in a line indoors, likely at an event. The first individual on the left is wearing a maroon traditional outfit and black shoes. The second individual is dressed in a white traditional outfit with black shoes and is holding a handkerchief to his mouth. The third individual is wearing a brightly colored green and white patterned traditional outfit with black shoes and a matching headpiece. The fourth individual is in a dark brown outfit and sandals. The background features office furniture, including a desk, chairs, and a table with water bottles and snacks. An open door reveals additional interior space with trophies on display and framed photos on the wall. Artwork is also displayed on the walls within the room. The ceiling is made of drop tiles with recessed lighting.
 A group of thirteen individuals pose together outdoors in front of a building with large windows. The group is a mix of individuals, both men and women, standing in a row. They are dressed in casual attire, including hoodies, jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. Some people are visibly smiling, while others have neutral expressions. One person in the center of the group is wearing a face mask. In the background, there are leafless trees and part of a brick courtyard visible. The sky is clear.
A group of students is posing together in a classroom, celebrating graduation. There are sixteen individuals in the group, comprised of different genders and appearances. They are all dressed in varied, colorful attire. Everyone is wearing a stole with "Class of 2023" and "Degrees of Up" written on it, featuring Afrocentric patterns in green, yellow, and red.  Behind the students, there is a bunch of balloons in metallic colors: black, gold, silver, and maroon, which adds to the celebratory atmosphere. The background includes a partial glimpse of vertical blinds covering a window to the left and a plain wall illuminated by overhead lighting.

Click to Follow  --  blacknmsu

Logo of the Black Programs, he image depicts a stylized representation of the state of New Mexico with its borders outlined in black on a white background. Inside the outlined shape on the left side, there is a raised fist composed of four segmented parts in the colors black, red, and green. To the right of the fist, the letters "nmsu" are vertically aligned in colors yellow, green, red, and yellow, respectively. Below the letters, the words "Black Programs" are written in black, serif font.
Black Programs

Logo of the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity, The image is a circular logo for New Mexico State University emphasizing equity, inclusion, and diversity. At the center, there are abstract figures representing three stylized human heads and shoulders. The heads are depicted as maroon-colored ovals, and the shoulders are in gray. Surrounding this central image is a circular maroon border. The text "EQUITY • INCLUSION • DIVERSITY" is written in maroon, curving along the top inside edge of the border, while "NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY" is similarly written in maroon along the bottom inside edge. The background of the image is white. Office of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity